Here at Solutech, we are aware that for any addition of robots in our packaging equipment chain for our customers, we offer training to users … obviously it is the responsibility of our customer to continue this training by the more … internally! But YES automation is important, but YES human too. Here is a very relevant article …
Automation: skills upgrade is needed
Translated from press review- feb 25th
A reinforcement of the skills is necessary. But the hypothesis of a systematic replacement of jobs by robots is again rejected.
Humans Wanted: Robots Need You
Robot workers replacing human jobs – the debate of the decade. In reality, the opposite looks true.
Supporting research (Skills Revolution 4.0 – 2019), ManpowerGroup dismisses the hypothesis of a systematic replacement of jobs by robots or applications of artificial intelligence, just like other organizations, including the firm McKinsey and the World Bank
But a skill upgrade is needed. This is evident from the survey of 19,417 employers in 44 countries. They were asked about the impact of automation on their workforce within two years by the company Inforcop at the request of HR Group services and temporary work.
First observation: nearly seven out of ten recruiters (69%) plan to maintain the number of their employees by 2020. While 18% are considering an increase in staff and 9% a decline. The remaining 4% do not speak.
Of the 44% of companies that already automate certain tasks, 24% say they intend to increase their teams. On the other hand, 12% plan to reduce the wing.
The administrative professions are the worst off. While IT is among the occupations that are expected to experience the largest workforce gains in the next two years, according to ManpowerGroup.
Also, employers are fighting a war of talent to attract the most sought-after profiles. They are also more likely to upgrade existing teams.
“Make humans and machines coexist”
For the CEO of ManpowerGroup, Jonas Prising, organizations have no choice but to “find the right formula to make humans and machines coexist”.
Skills building is part of the formula.
This is the option advanced by 54% of employers in 2018. They would be even 84% by 2020, according to ManpowerGroup.
A flat: 38% struggle to train their employees to the most requested technical skills. And 43% face more difficulties when it comes to interpersonal skills or soft skills (being-well-being, sense of leadership, knowledge of the issues …).
However, according to another study (WEF – Future of Jobs 2018), 54% of workers in the world will be obliged to adapt or reinforce their skills by 2022.
Translated from SILICON.FR- press review
(photo credit: via / CC0 license)