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SLP-150…A very satisfied customer!

Let’s admit that all of us wish we would receive that kind of message everyday!  Recently a customer bought a SLP-150 strechwrapper.  Although it is recent, he admits that the results are great and Ghislain Houle, co-owner of PANNEAUX DEAUVILLE (John Mouldings) sent us this message today.

When I bought the Solutech SLP-150, I knew it was a solution, but I did not know how much, but now I know that the employee who was packing manually is now very happy with this system because there is a great saving in terms of human time but also the film economy and even more for the safety of our product right until our drawers reach the end user,  the kitchen cabinet manufacturers. “ Ghislain Houle, co-owner Panneaux Deauville


Thanks Sir, and we are happy that we found your solution!